Saturday, July 29, 2006

Tools of the trade...

We get asked over and over again if we use software tools to help in the SEO efforts of our clients

So let's lay this myth to rest once and for all shall we - In 8 years of working as an SEO Consultant, I do not know of a single SEO company or expert who does NOT use some form of automation to help in the process of SEO

But isn't that cheating or Black Hat in some way, I hear you ask?

Well that depends on your point of view? By definition, Black Hat SEO is using automated techniques to manipulate the SERPs (search engine results pages) in your/clients' favour

So all SEO companies must therefore be practising Black Hat SEO tactics - Well, NO, not really!

For instance, an SEO company may use software to break down the ranking structure of a top ranking website for a particular keyword and use that very same structure to gain a higher ranking position in the SERPs

But doesn't this constitute an unethical approach or even piracy of some sort?

Again, despite what a lot of 'SEO experts' may lead you to believe SEO is not an exact science and is unlikely to ever be - so what better than taking the guesswork out of the equation and basing some of your effort and what is clearly working for the top ranking websites?

This issue is likely to run and run as there are no definitive answers on the subject

In reality a lot of what makes up the process of SEO is at best a 'Grey' area and is likely to remain so

That said, there is no substitute for hard-won experience gained through years of exposure to the SEO process, if only to avoid the many pitfalls of bad search engine optiimsation

Until next time...As always good luck with your SEO endeavours!

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