Friday, September 16, 2005

SEO training, Seo courses, UK SEO training, what is SEO?

1-day ground-breaking SEO training course run in the UK ...


This workshop is for: Trainee/Junior Webmasters, IT personnel, business owners and SEO novices

Background: In this fast-paced, informative 1-day workshop delivered by a course leader who has carried out SEO strategies for businesses at the sharpest spectrum of the online marketplace find out the facts about the search engines and what it takes to get top search rankings
The hype and the myths, off page and on page factors, spying on your competition and the useful tools of the trade plus many little tips and hidden secrets that the master SEOs’ use to dominate the search engines
Through a mixture of overheads, guided discussion, brainstorms, case studies and group/individual assignments you will discover just what it takes to develop, optimise and maintain Top web site rankings in the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and AskJeeves


This workshop is for: Webmasters, IT Managers, Business Owners and SEO experts

Discover which search engines and which directories are most important
Review all of the ways to get your pages indexed by search engines
Learn the most effective ways to get your pages submitted and accepted
Advantages of Paid Inclusion and review the disadvantages
Submission tips and order sequence
How to monitor and benchmark your Web visibility
Build genuine top placement skills and expertise in a very short period of time

In this in-depth 2-day workshop find out ‘The Future of Search Engine Marketing’

Advanced Keyword Research and Behavioural Trend Analysis - You may think you know how to research keywords, but you'll learn how much you really don't know in this intense session that deals with choosing targeted keywords for your Web pages and much, much more...

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